Clear Truth Newsletter – Volume 2 Issue 2 – April 2015

World Tomorrow Commentary

Herbert W. Armstrong Quote

Real Purpose of the Church 

Now MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL—what is the REAL PURPOSE for the Church? Why did God have Christ raise it up?

The CHURCH is the spiritual MOTHER of human converts. They are the spiritual embryos and fetuses as yet UNBORN, although begotten by God’s Holy Spirit—already children of God.

The CHURCH is God’s spiritual ORGANISM, well organized, for feeding on spiritual food, training and developing in spiritual righteous CHARACTER the future God Beings—sons of God the Father!

For that training—that spiritual development of God’s CHARACTER, God has given His church a dual responsibility.

1) “Go ye into all the world” and proclaim the GOOD NEWS—announcement—of the comingkingdomofGod.

2) “Feed my sheep”.

But in FEEDING the “sheep”, developing in them God’s spiritual CHARACTER, God has given them THEIR PART in supporting, backing up, the great commission: “Go ye into all the world.”

This first and great commission was given to the apostles. To a lesser extent evangelists were used in carrying forth the message. Other leaders—ordained ministers—were stationary, yet even the local pastor of a church may hold evangelistic services in his area—not the “soul-saving crusade” type, but lectures ANNOUNCING and PROCLAIMING as a witness the coming KINGDOM of God (the true gospel)!

This ENTIRE GREAT COMMISSION—proclaiming the GOOD NEWS of the coming kingdom, and “feeding the sheep”—is  a combined administration and function of the Church.

The individual lay member HAS HIS VITAL PART in proclaiming the GOOD NEWS (gospel) to the world. How? Not by going out and himself proclaiming Christ’s message to the neighbourhood or to the world. That is done primarily by the apostles, to some extent by evangelists, and to an even lesser extent in local areas by local pastors. (The chief responsibility of local pastors is supervision of and preaching to the local church.)

But the ENTIRE CHURCH OPERATION is one WHOLE, organized into various operations and administrations (1Cor.12: 5-6).
Mystery of the Church—Mystery of the Ages

End-time Proverbs

* A lie makes it halfway around the world, before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
                                                                                                                Winston Churchill

* The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end—there it is.
                                                                                                             Winston Churchill

* “You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You have chose dishonour and you will have war”.
                                         Winston Churchill’s admonition to Neville Chamberlain, in 1938 after the Munich sell out. (editors note: How applicable to today’s equivalent of the West’s capitulation to the Nazis of our day—the Iranian nuke treaty—and ‘peace in our time’?)

Fact or Opinion?

The ‘One-True Church, the ‘Body of Christ’ or the ‘Woman’, the ‘Mother-of-us-all’ IS a Spiritual Organism NOT a Corporate [Body]. It is a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM that has a CORPORATE [ENTITY]. The Spiritual Organism is NOT a ‘Corporate Body’!

Q. Has the Laodicean Church become a collection of corporate bodies no longer reflecting the true nature of God’s Church—that of a spiritual organism based on the ‘pillar and ground of the truth’?


‘Fear of Failure’

‘If you are unwilling to try for fear of failure, you have already failed! Failure from trying is not failure, but DISCOVERY’!

‘If you allow failure to destroy you, it will! If you USE failure to become better; YOU MUST!

Do true Christians in these ‘last days’ remain frozen to inaction for fear of failure? Like the man with the one talent, in the ‘parable of the talents’, feared failure and simply buried his talent?

As this world continues to spin out of control into a downward vortex of events leading to and culminating in the ‘grand smash climax’ known as the Great Tribulation—do-have-are God’s true people of the one-true-Church taking the time to become much MUCH stronger through application of God’s truth in our lives? DESPITE the fear of experiencing some failure?

Those Philadelphian members of God’s true Church are soon to find themselves in the crossroads of world events—and then the place of safety. We must become READY!

Je Suis Charlie! Je Suis Jesus!! 

Commentary by: Robert G. Goddard

It is ironic that increasingly, Islamofascist thug terrorists carry out murderous acts against innocents standing in their way, duty bound to defend the honour of their false prophet in the name of ‘Allahu Akbar’. The obvious question that goes unanswered in all of this is; if this ‘god’ is so great, could he not take care of his own affairs without having to  depend on blood thirsty religious sadists killing and maiming people in the most banal and sub-human ways imaginable? Perhaps this so-called ‘god’ is too busy relieving himself to fend for himself?? The absolute detachment from normal human emotion and thought processes continues to be lost in all of this mindlessness. This kind of debasement in our human experience is fortunately about to come to a climactic end with the soon coming advent of the Great God in the person of His true Son, Jesus Christ.

Recently millions marched in the streets of Paris standing in solidarity with the defenceless and harmless massacred victims, editors of the satire newspaper known as ‘Charlie Hebdo’. Their refrain was: ‘Je Suis Charlie’! That is: ‘I am Charlie’! Their only ‘sin’ was that of exercising their societal right to exercise ‘free speech’. Along with them, Muslim Jihadists also terrorized patrons in a kosher supermarket slaughtering four  innocent Jewish bystanders who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The true refrain that will take away all of the heartache and all of the pain and suffering from this present evil world is that of: ‘Je Suis Jesus’! That is: ‘I am Jesus’! Very soon now, the world will stand and walk in solidarity with the glorified Jesus Christ, when He establishes His utopian millennial kingdom here on earth.

This recent all-to-brief moment, frozen in time, when peoples of the world cast off their political, religious and ideological differences. Locked arms and marched in unison in support of one of the great founding principles of the western nations. That is, freedom based on free speech. Sadly, any lasting effect has been muted. That is about to change in the now soon coming Wonderful World Tomorrow—‘Je Suis Jesus’!