Clear Truth Newsletter – Volume 2 Issue 3 – July 2015

World Tomorrow Commentary

Herbert W. Armstrong Quote

 Is the day of miracles past? Does the living God heal sickness and disease today upon believing prayer? Or was healing performed only by Christ and the original apostles? Did God raise up medical science for our day?  What about modern faith healers and public healing services?


You live in a world that relies primarily on medical doctors to treat illness. Most professing Christians today say:  “God raised up medical science for our day. Jesus healed to prove He was the Messiah. But the day of miracles is now past.” Some, who think God heals through self-professed faith healers, attend public healing shows. Some  believe in healing by one of the forms of “mental science”—the power of mind over matter. Others say: “Well, I think God can heal—if it’s His will. But how can we know whether it’s His will?”

Yes, people say!

But what does God say?

Does He reveal whether He still heals, why He heals, how He heals, whether and when it is His will? For the answers we go to the Bible.

Christ’s Ministry Was Dual

Let’s begin at the beginning. Actually, there are two beginnings, so far as the subject of healing is concerned—one is in the New Testament, with Christ; the other in the Old Testament, with the people of ancient Israel. We shall begin with the ministry of Jesus Christ. Later, many readers will be surprised to learn how much is recorded on the subject throughout the Old Testament.

More than 1,900 years ago—in A.D. 27-31—Jesus Christ appeared on earth as a messenger bearing history’s most important message from God to mankind. His mission was prophesied in Malachi 3: 1.

That message actually was a stupendous NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT. The news was the most transcendent GOOD NEWS! It was the GOSPEL (which means “good news”) of Jesus Christ.

But Jesus’ ministry was a dual ministry. And a miraculous ministry.

Jesus came also healing the sick by divine POWER of God. It was not the power of human mind over matter. Few realize the extent to which healing and casting out demons were an integral part of Jesus’ ministry. Later, the apostles proclaimed His same message and healed the sick.

Gospel Restored

The original one and only true Church of God still lives! And still persecuted, maligned, misrepresented, it is restoring the true gospel of Jesus Christ today! It is sending out that good news worldwide—as a witness for all nations, in real POWER!

And Christ’s doctrine of healing the sick is also being restored. There have been multiple thousands of miraculous healings. But not, in our time, spectacular public displays of sensational miracles to attract both crowds and added persecutions. The REASONS for this and the truth about the whole subject of healing will be made plain in this booklet.

There have been “gospel” programs—scores of them—all over the world. But, as Paul described, they have each been another gospel. Christ’s MESSAGE was suppressed. Christ has been preached to the world—but a different Jesus.

But, what about healing the sick today? How is it being restored in God’s Church?                                                                                             The Plain Truth About Healing

End-time Proverbs

* What you THINK is what you do—what you SAY is just talk!

* “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and  vicious, they have more need of masters”.                           (Benjamin Franklin)  

Fact or Opinion?

‘We need leaders, not managers. Managers are people who do the best they can within existing constraints and conditions, who tinker around the edges of a problem. We need leaders who do not accept what is broken simply because it has always been that way. These leaders will CHANGE the order of things and are able to see and seize possibilities. Effective leaders know the high calling of leadership is to unlock potential in others’.                                                     Carly Fiorina 2016 GOP Presidential Candidate


 ‘Six Words That Will Change the World’
 Isaiah 53: 5
…’with His stripes we are healed’.

 1Peter 2: 24
…’by whose stripes you were healed’.

 Isaiah 35: 5-6
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened,
and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart,
and the tongue of the dumb shall sing:

Commentary by: Robert G. Goddard

With this issue of the Clear Truth Newsletter, we are posting one of the most important and profound doctrines of the Bible….

“Jesus Christ makes you Whole” (Acts 9: 34)

1] Read the Plain Truth about Healing booklet (then reread it), in order to get the background and historical perspective.

2] [MUST] accompany the preaching of the one-true-Gospel. Sardis did not; HWA did!

3] Only God can heal! (Biblically speaking) Doctors cannot!! They can manipulate, cut out, alter or help bodily functions to alleviate maladies. But (ONLY GOD) can REMOVE physical sin or penalty and place them on our sin bearer or the broken Body of Christ, prior to His death, (Matt. 8: 16-17). It is impossible for ANY human being or practitioner to do this!!!

4] It is God’s WILL TO HEALà He has PROMISEDà He is our Yahweh Rapha à
the Eternal God our Healer.

5] Be patient! After you claim that promise, you MUST TRUST Him and wait for Him to act.

6] God does not always heal immediately. But He does ALWAYS heal, even if the healing is the resurrection. (James 5: 15) The Lord [SHALL] raise him up…(dual).

7] In the intervening time it is not a sin to use medical human assistance to help alleviate pain, suffering and or discomfort.* Any alteration or physical help that a human being can give is not to be confused with ‘Biblical Healing’! For no human being can remove ‘physical sin’ or broken laws that cause sickness or ill health. ONLY GOD can and does. ONLY God removes these and places them on the broken Body of our Sin Bearer. * NEVER, NEVER, NEVER look to humans as our healer – ONLY ONLY GOD is the DIVINE HEALER and no one else!

8] It can be and would be sin, to the person that really knows and understands this, to substitute humans as our healer in place of God!

9] [Make an open and ongoing list of scriptures that directly pertain to healing.]

10] Operations, cuttings, medicines, knee / hip replacements, surgery, drugs ARE NOT HEALINGS. They are at best physical manipulations, adjustments or alterations. None of these SUPERNATURALLY remove ‘physical sin’. One may even get ‘better’, but it is NOT supernatural divine healing. Do not confuse the two.

11] God does not heal through doctors. He does not remove ‘physical sin’ and place it on Christ through the unbelieving medical profession.

12] He may allow them to provide comfort to someone.

13] God’s word and healings among God’s people PROVE that God is our Healer. What He has done in the past and has continued to do PROVES that He will still do it! He changes NOT—Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever.

14] If you follow these points and come to be healed through anointing and prayer, you will have the kind of BELIEF that is necessary for healing.

15] We MUST not abuse or be reckless with our health and treat Christ’s sacrifice cheaply.

16] Healings in our day and age are so weak and ineffectual because they most often accompany ‘another Jesus, another spirit and another gospel’. Nominal Christianity (perhaps unknowingly) are enemies of the true Gospel.

17] (1Pet. 2: 24) ‘With His strips you were healed’. MANY in the Church in Peter’s day had experienced this tremendous promise, yes and even in Philadelphia!

18] When God directly intervenes on our behalf, it is exciting and JOYFUL. Healing and standing for the truth of the Gospel etc. etc. (Acts 3: 1-8) The lame man going into the temple – Peter’s prayer – his ankle bones were healed – HE LEPT FOR JOY.

19] Physical sin breaks our bodies (as Christ was) but SO DOES SPIRITUAL sin before death!! in this life!! However spiritual sin brings with it the ultimate penalty of death.

20] When anointing and prayer takes place, there always has to be belief and faith, either with the one doing the anointing or the one being anointed, [hopefully both].

21] (Matt. 10: 7-8) After all, it is CHRIST’S work, it is His CHURCH. If He is behind the preaching of the true Gospel, then He will be performing miracles in our day at the time of the end.

 **FOCUS ON THE [PROMISE], [not] on the [affliction]**