World Tomorrow Commentary
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- CogCorrected-RobertG-JesusChrist.mp3
Herbert W. Armstrong Quote
This Issue is a special celebratory commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the publishing of the book ‘Mystery of the Ages’ (For PDF copy, click here)
But who can understand the Bible? I certainly never had understood it. And even if one does, can one believe the Bible? Does it speak with any authority? That question puzzled me and is the mystery to be cleared up in this volume. How I came to understand began at age 34, in the year 1926. But it only began there. The final crystal – clear reason that impelled me to write this book did not fully reveal itself to my mind until December of 1984. It was a mind – boggling realization—a pivotal truth—that will be made clear in this book.
[Time] may prove this to be the most important book written in almost 1,900 years. Not because of literary excellence or flowery language of scholarship that it has purposely avoided, but because of its plainness of speech in clarifying the most important knowledge ever revealed from the supreme source of understanding of that which has mystified all humans since man first appeared on earth.
All these mysteries were long ago revealed by the one supreme authority of all knowledge, but in a coded message not to be revealed and decoded until our time.
I have often said it is much more difficult to unlearn an erroneous truth than it is to learn a new truth. Even in these past 58 years I had not fully and clearly realized the significance of the fact revealed in Genesis 3: 22-24—that, in fact, God had closed the Holy Spirit and eternal life to mankind in general until the removal of Satan at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Traditional Christian teaching had always assumed there is a contest between God and Satan—that God has been trying desperately to “get the world saved,” but in this great controversy Satan has been winning. In other words, God had sent Jesus Christ at his First Coming to try to win this ongoing war against Satan. Traditional Christianity has taught that “whosoever will may come” and be “saved” through Jesus.
For some years I had come to partially realize the error of this assumption, but the full truth on this point had not come crystal clear to me until very recently. This truth is indeed mind – boggling. It clears what had been clouded in mystery.
It is hoped that this book, written since God’s time for it has come, will open many eyes to the truth of these long hidden mysteries.
And now in my 93rd year, I have been led to write this book before this event – packed life ends, to share with as many care to know, the answers that the supreme mind of God reveals in his word—if one is only willing to understand that word. Authors Statement—Mystery of the Ages—Herbert W. Armstrong
End-time Proverbs
* Heresy leads only in one direction culminating in false christs and false prophets and ultimately signs and wonders…
* If we are ‘doing it right’, God’s people will be gathering. We will be winning-them-over, not throwing them out.
* “When you are in the ZONE is when you are totally devoid of self consciousness. Shed self consciousness in order to be effective”. Radio Personality—Rush Limbaugh
Fact or Opinion?
It is the [duty] of Christ’s TRUE ministers (and how few they are today) to [PROTECT] the begotten but yet unborn saints from false doctrines and false ministers.
For those few Philadelphians who have managed to somehow ‘stay on track’ for now these thirty long years—the thirtieth anniversary since the publishing of ‘Mystery of the Ages’ is something to celebrate. But we must still continue to go the exceedingly short distance left in this end-time race, to the now very soon coming of Jesus Christ and the establishing of the Kingdom of God on earth.
And what a thirty years it has been! From the near wholesale destruction of the largest organised Church of God since the time of the early apostles. But as Christ said; “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. Even in the face of major and massive apostasy, God still has His people though scattered and divided.
So His people are waiting for Christ to move to re-establish His true Philadelphians together for one short powerful finish to His work that will be done in righteousness. It could be said that Philadelphians have been tested and are in training to yet accomplish one short very powerful revival of the work of God. And so God’s people wait for their important rendezvous with destiny. May God hasten that time!
Commentary by: Robert G. Goddard
A ‘Truth Serum’?
In this upside down, backward, amoral and increasingly dangerous world that we live in, it has become fashionable to expect proven pathological liars to tell the truth, while those who do tell the truth are viewed with suspicion. One of the most evil tyrants of the 20th Century, Adolf Hitler, was famously quoted, “what dumb luck for rulers that people don’t think”. It is not hard to understand that Nazi propaganda minister or (minister responsible for lying) Joseph Geobbels took full advantage of this. What is it about truth that people seem to be so afraid of?
What if the world were suddenly given a truth serum? If all of a sudden people automatically always told the truth? Upside down would become ‘right side up’, backward would become ‘forward’, amoral would become ‘moral’, and increasingly dangerous would become ‘safe’.
There would no longer be religious hucksters conning people by the millions into believing some convoluted idea that has nothing to do with truth. Politicians would no longer dupe people for their support, all the while plotting to betray their election promises once in office. The so called intelligentsia and leaders of academia would no longer be able to knowingly foist their false failed ideas on the unsuspecting masses, thus bending or shaping their thinking for their own monetary gain and control.
We live in a ‘World Held Captive’ by Satan the devil. There is no truth in him for he is the father of lies. Those who will not tell the truth are unwittingly of their father the devil. This world, through the divine intervention of a ‘strong hand from someplace’ is about to be turned right-side-up!