Clear Truth Newsletter – Volume 1 Issue 3 – June 2014

Herbert W. Armstrong Quote

And now we are fast approaching the final grand smash explosion that is going to stagger the mind of man beyond the bounds of sanity. Forces are at work today on plans, programs, conspiracies, movements that soon will erupt into a world explosion of violence and chaos such as never happened before, and never will again. Men today are tampering with forces of nature they lack the prudence, knowledge, ability and wisdom to control.

In this folly of educated ignorance, it has become fashionable today and intellectually titillating to ignore the great basic cause of all things; the fact of the purpose being worked out here below, and the master plan for its working out; the invisible but Supreme Power now soon to intervene and drastically alter the course of history—before mankind blasts itself out of existence.

Unreal though it may seem to those steeped in modern educational deceptions, some 2,500 years ago the Supreme Power of the universe inspired a man named Isaiah to quote Him saying: “I am God and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand” (Isa. 46: 9-10). The great world powers are formulating their policies—laying their plans. But the next several years (now getting so very much closer CTN) will see astounding events explode in a manner very different than the nations plan! Why?                                                                                                    – Introduction to U.S. and Britain in Prophecy

World Tomorrow Commentary (MP3 audio)

Tree Of Life.MP3

 World Tomorrow Commentary (MP3 audio)


  World Tomorrow Commentary 

    Young Ambassadors: ‘Hallelujah Chorus’; ‘It Won’t Be Long Now’

 End-time Proverbs

 * “We are here to learn some lessons”—HWA

*  ‘The lesson of history is that no one learns from the lessons of history’.

George Santayana

 *   ‘The  definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and       expecting a different result’.

Fact or Opinion….?

 *    The one-true-Church is nondenominational and non-sectarian. It is not a corporate       body, but rather a spiritual organism which in all likelihood would have a corporate or legal entity! This is necessary in order for the ekklesia [Greek] meaning; called-out-ones or spiritual organism to fulfill the work of the Great Commission.


 ‘A Man Still Ahead of His Time’    Reflection1.DOC






[Coming in September CTN]

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