Clear Truth Newsletter – Volume 2 Issue 1 – January 2015

World Tomorrow Commentary

 Herbert W. Armstrong Quote

 ‘What Christ’s Gospel Was All About’

 I say Christ’s gospel – the message He brought from God – was the advance good news of the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

              But just what does that include?

And why is the Kingdom of God necessary?

Just how does it affect and relate directly to your personal and individual life?

Actually, Christ’s message of God’s coming Kingdom is directly concerned with world conditions as they are – with world evils, suffering unhappiness – with world peace. It’s concerned with government – with the reason present human governments fail to be the benefactors of their peoples they are supposed to be.

His message hits directly at the very roots of individual personal happiness and at the awesome transcendent potential of each human life. It is concerned with the CAUSES of present conditions that affect every human and with the WAY that will solve all problems.

But it is concerned with far, far more.

It is concerned with God’s tremendous, overwhelming, overall purpose as Creator of the entire universe. It’s concerned with the entire vast universe, filled with its uncountable galaxies, nebulae, suns, stars, planets, and with God’s purpose for them. It’s concerned with all the angels – with the fact that one third of all God’s created angels turned to SIN from which there can be no redemption and God’s great purpose and plan to prevent such a catastrophe happening to the other two thirds.

Most of these things are never remotely considered in religious teachings in this world.  God’s message is concerned with overall truth.

Incredible Human Potential (page 18)

End-time Proverbs

* For when they shall say, ‘Peace and safety’; then ‘sudden destruction’ comes upon them…(1Thess 5: 3)

* For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. (Luke 21: 35)

* Carnal minds try to cover-up they scramble to maintain the façade of a FALSE identity.

* A converted mind seeks, wants to find and admit error. [THEY SEEK CORRECTION]

* The hardest thing in the world for a human to do is to admit error!

Fact or Opinion….? 

‘Calling it for what it is’ 

What does the elite-progressive-liberal-establishment promote and stand for?

1) Partial birth abortion—EVIL2) Lesbian Gay Bi-gender movement—EVIL! 3) Anti-Semitism—EVIL! 4) Destruction of the Judeo-Christian ethic—EVIL! 5) Promoting anti-capitalistic Marxist dogma—EVIL! 6) The failed non-theory of evolution—EVIL! 7) Global warming hoax—EVIL!


‘Correct Exegesis’

Do we look at the Bible through the lens of the Church? NO!

We must always look at the Church through the lens of the Bible! 

Do we look at the Bible through the lens of scholarship? NO!

We must always look at scholarship through the lens of the Bible!

Do we look at the Bible through the lens of the World? NO!

We must always look at the World through the lens of the Bible!

Do we look at the Bible through the lens of archaeology? NO!

We must always look at archaeology through the lens of the Bible!

This correct method of ‘exegesis’ with allow us to always get and keep the message of the Bible straight! 

In this in-depth study of the Bible, I had the use of all the biblical helps – concordances, Greek–English and Hebrew–English lexicons, commentaries, Bible dictionaries and religious encyclopaedias. The latter three of these, I found, were the works of scholarly but carnal minds. In historical facts and matters of a material nature, they give help in research, but in God’s revelation of spiritual knowledge I found them of little help.

                                                                                               Mystery of the Ages (page 19)

The Rest of the Story

Commentary by: Robert G. Goddard

Many years ago a world famous American broadcaster (whose uncanny style and tone strongly resembled the leading World Tomorrow presenter of the time) coined a phrase for his oft repeated monologue; ‘The Rest of the Story’. The iconic quintessential American broadcaster Paul Harvey was highly successful at stirring the interest of his audience in closing with these true stories. He would peak peoples interest with some well know story and then conclude with the not-so-well-known background to the story. To say the least, it had a way of grabbing your interest. It got your attention!

After a casual read of the Bible, one would be inclined to ask, yes but what is the ‘rest of the story’ or indeed the not-so-obvious or real message of the Bible? Scholars, intellects and intellectuals have all taken their turn at trying to explain the REAL MEANING of the Bible—with little success!

The Old Testament is a detailed interaction between the ‘God’ of the Old Testament and His chosen people Israel. It conveys the essential truth that if His people would only obey His covenant, then they could expect to be blessed and blessed tremendously. If not, then they would incur the curses that come from the breaking of God’s Law.

Apologists for the New Testament declare with certainty that the Old Testament Law has now (under the New Covenant) been completely done away and is now replaced by ‘Grace’ and grace alone! This portrays the God of the Bible as some kind of incompetent, psychologically unstable, constantly changing being that the average person cannot keep up with (never mind understand!)

General Douglas MacArthur correctly concluded in his memorable speech before the U.S. congress that “it must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh”.

Old Testament Israel generally and at times was able to keep God’s Law in the letter (that is with an unchanged heart). Keeping God’s Law in the spirit must be done through the power of God’s Holy Spirit. It is the only way.

The entire world is about to have a ‘road to Damascus moment’. It is about to ‘meet its Maker’ with the introduction of the New Covenant to the nations of Israel at the now very near second coming of Jesus Christ and then to the entire Gentile world. (It has already been introduced to the New Testament Church.)

The same Person who gave the Law on Mount Sinai to Moses, gave the summary of the New Covenant to the disciples 1,400 years later (Matt. 5, 6, 7). (The rest of the story is summarized in the so-called ‘Sermon on the Mount’.)

The New Covenant / Testament is the ‘Rest of the Story’.

Radio commentator Rush Limbaugh recently commented that—“no political movement or power can change human nature”. We would add—ONLY GOD’S SPIRIT CAN!!

The Old Covenant controlled human nature. The New Covenant changes it!

To paraphrase Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong: Every human being is born with carnal nature which is a nature that is concerned with and purely oriented toward the physical. At birth we are then subjected to the pulls of the spirit of this world and are then injected with human nature which is Satan’s nature. The only way we can overcome this is by having the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit. This is the long sought after and little understood KEY to being born again into the soon coming world ruling Kingdom or government of God.

Indeed God is in the process of ‘reproducing Himself’. Therefore we must (through the Holy Spirit) have the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5: 5)—so that we can then be partakers of the divine nature (11Pet. 1: 4).

That is the ultimate ‘Rest of the Story’.

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